100 Million HIPs needed by New Year's Day 2030

Enter Your HIPs (Human Intelligence Points)
With enough HIPs blasting into the global brain, we can become the humans we must be in order to save our civilization from certain destruction.
See below the form for details and instructions.
What are HIPs?
As we play, we earn points. Each point is called a HIP (Human Intelligence Point) and helps level up the creative and social skills needed to rewrite a future that is in turmoil.
How to Score?
Your goal is to earn HIPs to level up your human intelligence and add your points into the global brain. Points can be earned in three ways.
The AR elements will automatically add points but others will require you to manually input them into the system.

Build the Puzzle
Points Value | Input |
500 HIPs for each time you complete a single chapter puzzle | Input manually above |
3X points (1,500 HIPs) for completing and connecting both chapters one and two together | Input manually above |

Play the Card Game
Your goal is to connect as many VINES as you can before your opponent goes out. The player with the most points at the end wins the round.
Only the HIPs of the winner for each round should be added to the Global Scoreboard.
Points Value | Input |
Build BLOOMS and use the Points Conversion Table to translate your BLOOMS in each round of play into HIPs | Input manually above |

Unlock the Augmented Reality
Use the FREE Augmented Reality App to reveal the hidden messages and art animations.
Card FrontsMany VINE Cards are animated and can be unlocked with the Augmented Reality app. Simply scan the image with the app to bring it to life. You can find the full list of current augmented cards HERE.
Card BacksEach game card has one of the four totems of human intelligence on the back. The totems are: Observe, Connect, Create, and Collaborate. Unlock their hidden messages with the AR app.
Points Value | Input |
50 HIPs - Unlock the VINE Card art animations with the AR app. Open the app and point your device at the artwork. | Automatically added |
50 HIPs - Unlock the card backs with the AR app. Open the app and point your device at the totems | Automatically added |
100 HIPs - Unlock the chapter image with the AR app. once you complete the puzzle. Open the app and point your device at the completed puzzle. | Automatically added |
Every week, the Augmented Reality metrics are tracked and added to the overall score..
There are new animated cards completed regularly. Check back often and get on the email list to be notified.