
December 31, 2016
February 18, 2017

Tidal was grown from The Gap, Looking Glass and Boiling Point

L ike the birth of a tsunami, the effects of our actions will radiate out much farther than the local epicenter of our actions.

Once set in motion, the strongest forces of nature that stem from a changing climate will be impossible to contain. These forces are already impacting the world around us, and we must look beyond our small local perception to see what is happening.

It is with a heavy heart that I warn of the potentially disastrous implications that will come from a United States government run by a cabinet of fossil fuel titans and climate denying fools.

We are not the fools. We know these leaders understand the science behind climate change and their absurd denial will create great short-term wealth for these few, while destroying the very fabric of what created and nurtured them.

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