September 28, 2024Slipping Point was grown from Daisy Chain, Head Case, and Clarity
N arcissistic personalities easily gain followers—that’s true in all walks of life, even for everyday influencers. But for a narcissist, the mask must never slip, if they wish to continue to have a hold over their followers.
Only strategically can the mask slip—exposing calculated vulnerability, for example, to win sympathy, in pitiable moments, a classic ploy.
What should never happen is that the mask begins to slip, and then slips further and further.
When that happens, the relationship between narcissists and followers begins to change. Followers look up to narcissists because narcissists promise something magical: that they have superhuman powers, which they can endow and bestow on them.
But when the mask slips, all this comes undone. The narcissist is revealed as…just another person. Just like the rest of us. Not superhuman. No superpowers. Just a limited, fragile human being.
Maybe they’re not super-people, after all.
And as that realization dawns, the demagogue’s spell begins to lift. This has happened throughout history, only often too late. Think of Hitler in the last year of the war. Think of any number of demagogues in their latter years, revealed to be all too human.
The more it erupts, the more followers shake their heads, and see clearly for the first time. And the more that people who aren’t followers begin to laugh and point—hey, look at this clown—all of which…reinforces the vicious cycle, causing…
Narcissistic injury leads to impotent rage. Impotent rage breaks the bond between narcissist and followers. While it ends up making the rest of us laugh in delight, or maybe frown in contempt That causes even more narcissistic injury, which leads to more impotent rage
-- Recognition --
I chose to use a section of Umair Haque's beautifully written post for the description of this VINE because it perfectly captures its intended message.
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